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Friday, October 14, 2016

Travel to Serbia

Serbia Serbia is a European country, which is located in the central region of the State of the Balkans, it is bounded on the western side of Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro, and bounded on the northern and southern Albania and Macedonia both sides, with an estimated area of ​​Serbia eight and eighty thousand kilometers and three hundred and sixty one square kilometers and an estimated population of about seven millions of citizens. And it accumulates mostly in the capital Belgrade and the surrounding provinces, and it should be noted that Serbia is a landlocked states; that is, they do not look down on any aqueous port, and the estimated number of tourists annual State of Serbia Bmlona tourists a year, it is important to know that there are a series of steps to be made before you travel for Serbia. Serbia visa to all those who wish to travel to Serbia, to apply for a visa for Serbia in the embassies of Serbia in all parts of the world, and in applications to be developed prepared for visa: a passport valid for at least three months, and it must be with a colorful picture of him . Voturavitan Two images of a person, and the dimensions of the three and a half × four and a half the picture, and requires that the background is white. Image of Health Insurance. Leading to the request for documents, such as reservations at the hotel, and bookings for the volatile back and forth, the image arrived to the amount paid for the costs of the trip paid. Photos from bank accounts, and these pictures show a way to dispose of credit cards, and the movement of the account, as well as information on other resources. Mastery of the English language or the Serbian language, with pictures of all the requirements and supporting documents. And the duration of the visa fourteen days. The amount required to get a visa needs to sixty-two euros. As an individual who has a visa to undergo a personal interview. Asylum in Serbia adults who are interested in immigration and stay in Serbia go to those in the Valjevo police stations, and Belgrade, and Taatkadim asylum application, and will refund the center of this request paper inscribed in Serbian, the aim of this word to express regret to apply for asylum, following receipt this paper, on-demand approach to reception centers submitted within a maximum period of three days, and after this period is considered the paper obsolete, and therefore have the presence of demand illegal, and often the provider of these centers provide housing for housing. The asylum application stage procedures, the first phase is the delivery of image and fingerprints of all fingers, and after this procedure gets advanced on a card for asylum Profile, the second stage is the work of a personal interview, and advanced through which to interpret and explain the reasons for asylum. Minors are entitled to minors apply for asylum and live in all of downtown Banja Koviljaca and, after the submission of the application minors placed in an institution called popravni dom Vasa Stajić, and this institution exists in the capital, Belgrade, and then transmits the minor to the resort center.

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