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Friday, October 14, 2016

How do I arrange travel bag

Travel is a travel of the most enjoyable things that can be performed by rights, be it for tourism or study, or work, or for anything else, there is nothing more beautiful than to go to a new place and meeting new from another culture with people, and enjoy a new adventure, it is known that a person traveling through the leaves and place the stability of his life, and replace all of that travel bag, where all that is needed during the days of his putting, how can the order of the bag properly? Arrange travel bag must know the things that you need during the day and will not be available in a place of temporary stay, or while traveling, but her knowledge tried to record everything you use during the day for two or three days, this section of the objects placed mostly in a large bag may be separated from you through the process Travel. Personal Care Tools: This is one of the most important things that must be taken into account; brush your teeth and Majunk, Sabontek, and a small towel for use during travel or nomadic, no creams or cosmetics you used to use, picks ears and picks teeth, may also need to machine hair shaved own judgment . Clothes: Take a sufficient amount of refills, especially if the washing machine is not available in the place which will assess it, especially the internal gears and socks, and do not forget to put Guiara or two for any formal occasion or a business meeting, be sure to purchase athletic shoes light and comfortable in the event of the need for walking, especially if you wish to visit tourist sites. Best to arrange the clothes in the bag way is through rolled not folded; Vallv makes it occupies less volume, which means that you do not have to carry the bag is greater than your need. Drugs: It is important here taking the amount of drugs more than you need, no one knows what can happen, may be delayed to refer to your country for one reason unplanned. But watch out for the storage conditions needed medication, and be sure that will not be exposed to any position contrary to the rules of it. Money: Let the money in a small bag on your shoulder or your back, I carry the amount of money is enough for all your movements and Aqamatk, and add to it other quantity of reserves, or Carry a credit card are abbreviated effort and size, but do not lose sight of some of the banknotes ready for immediate payment at any time , but not with you a sufficient amount of the currency in which it will travel. Things that you need because travel there is a lot of widgets do not need in regular your days, but during the travel to be very necessary, and placed most of these things in a shoulder bag or the back will never leave you during your travels, including: the official paperwork, and most important of your passport and your identity, and plane ticket in case I was traveling in the plane. Any medical papers in the event of pregnancy or disease -Your allowed to Allah, to facilitate health transactions through travel. Food and drink enough for a day, just in case: there must be shops all over the place to buy your food, but you may spend a lot of time during the wild travel without passing Bohdha, and spend a long time waiting for the late Ttiyartk at the airport, and I do not have anyway Ghali to buy expensive food at the airport. For travel medicine; the private acquisition of medicine sea sickness or dizziness. Consult your doctor at the appropriate medication and attach to other purposes. This is generally the most important things you need to know for the processing of your travel bag, remember that you may need other things to your your situation, do not ignore them.

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