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Friday, October 14, 2016

Travel to Greece

Greece represents Greece splendor present the past and the nobility, where he was able Greeks to maintain their traditions and customs, unlike a lot of the peoples of Europe, adhere Greek values ​​that are still prevalent in Greek society for thousands of years, and managed to Greece to compete with Europe's most advanced countries to become the point of the first travel in Europe and receives visitors in huge numbers every year. Places can be visited in Greece island of Santorini island of Santorini offers a more romantic landscapes on earth, where circumvents the houses around the shores of this island built by the nested harmonically and color uniform white, that makes it seem a technical as pallets excelled painter painted, The hotels on this island the traditional character of a simple, You can also rent a room in one of the homes of families, to enjoy the magnificence of the sunset in the clean water closely. Parthenon Acropolis there is this building in Athens, and expresses the authenticity of the first Greek civilization, the building contains ancient columns Al-era Greek, where he was representing one of the main temples at the time. Mykonos Bay resorted many filmmakers to shoot films set in Greece in the Gulf, because of the wonderful architecture of the buildings, built next to each other to cripple interfering bunch of ways that seem labyrinthine for the visitors, but the people of the region Faihfezon entrances and exits by heart, and views the best area of ​​the Aegean Sea rich in fish and intense blue water and white sand, which attract a lot of tourists to it, also helped in the preoccupation with a large number of the population in fishing as an act of LED and some others have a hobby. Meteora mediates this mountainous Greece region, and is characterized by rocky mountains prominent land vertically upwards, to reach high altitudes, it took advantage of the monks away this region for the huge population centers, and established a number of monasteries, constructed the monasteries on the mountain tops rock is breathtaking, even after several times of her, seems like a constant in the air, and the only way to gain access to these monasteries very long wooden staircase, due to the feet of these monasteries and value of civilization in Greece has been ranked as one of the World Heritage, attracts these monasteries, a large proportion of tourists in Greece. Valley Samaria valley in the Greek island of Crete is located, a national park of the country, and attracts about half a million visitors in one year, scouring the visitors the National Park through the corridors created by nature, this trip ends to stop one of the coiled coastal villages around the park.

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