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Friday, October 14, 2016

Travel to Greece

Greece represents Greece splendor present the past and the nobility, where he was able Greeks to maintain their traditions and customs, unlike a lot of the peoples of Europe, adhere Greek values ​​that are still prevalent in Greek society for thousands of years, and managed to Greece to compete with Europe's most advanced countries to become the point of the first travel in Europe and receives visitors in huge numbers every year. Places can be visited in Greece island of Santorini island of Santorini offers a more romantic landscapes on earth, where circumvents the houses around the shores of this island built by the nested harmonically and color uniform white, that makes it seem a technical as pallets excelled painter painted, The hotels on this island the traditional character of a simple, You can also rent a room in one of the homes of families, to enjoy the magnificence of the sunset in the clean water closely. Parthenon Acropolis there is this building in Athens, and expresses the authenticity of the first Greek civilization, the building contains ancient columns Al-era Greek, where he was representing one of the main temples at the time. Mykonos Bay resorted many filmmakers to shoot films set in Greece in the Gulf, because of the wonderful architecture of the buildings, built next to each other to cripple interfering bunch of ways that seem labyrinthine for the visitors, but the people of the region Faihfezon entrances and exits by heart, and views the best area of ​​the Aegean Sea rich in fish and intense blue water and white sand, which attract a lot of tourists to it, also helped in the preoccupation with a large number of the population in fishing as an act of LED and some others have a hobby. Meteora mediates this mountainous Greece region, and is characterized by rocky mountains prominent land vertically upwards, to reach high altitudes, it took advantage of the monks away this region for the huge population centers, and established a number of monasteries, constructed the monasteries on the mountain tops rock is breathtaking, even after several times of her, seems like a constant in the air, and the only way to gain access to these monasteries very long wooden staircase, due to the feet of these monasteries and value of civilization in Greece has been ranked as one of the World Heritage, attracts these monasteries, a large proportion of tourists in Greece. Valley Samaria valley in the Greek island of Crete is located, a national park of the country, and attracts about half a million visitors in one year, scouring the visitors the National Park through the corridors created by nature, this trip ends to stop one of the coiled coastal villages around the park.

Where to go in Barcelona

Barcelona is the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain's second-largest Spanish cities after the capital Madrid and is the capital of Catalonia, and the take from the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula located her, and overlooking the Mediterranean coast between Estuarine Rivers Bweirigat and Bezios, which is inhabited city of about one million and six hundred thousand people, and hosted the city Catalan in the 1992 Olympic Games. General information on Barcelona Geography: sits Spanish city of Barcelona on a plateau almost up display to five kilometers, and Regarding borders, they are associated with a series Kolsrola Mountains borders, and the south-west bounded Aoeregat River, while the north side is located Bisor River, and reach the plateau area as a whole to about a hundred and seventy square kilometers. Climate: Barcelona climate is affected by the climate of the cities of the Mediterranean Sea, is recorded rainfall annually by about seven thousand mm annually and falls mostly in the winter season, and the summer the city average temperatures are recorded degree Celsius up to twenty-four during August. Economy: The city of Barcelona of the most important commercial cities in Spain, and it also occupies first place among the major industrial cities, and it is also the center of attraction of great importance, in addition to the existence of major banks where the bank Caixa Catalunya and the Bank does not Kaiksaz. Sports: famous for the city of Barcelona in the sports that they embrace the two clubs-established, the two teams had been involved in a lot of World Cup and European leagues cycles, and belong to the city of Barcelona, ​​the two FC Barcelona and Espanyol, and take FC Barcelona Camp stadium a special playground him, the stadium can accommodate to host more than ninety-eight spectators, the largest stadium in the European continent and longer. Monuments visiting the city of Barcelona is advised usually visit a group of monuments of ancient, namely: Holy Family Church: This ancient church was built by a global architect Antonio Gaudi and took the construction of fifteen-year-old process, is considered the Holy Family Church from a point of attraction for tourists from all over the world , so as it is the beauty and splendor of the high altitude, and it is also characterized by the presence of abundant stone statues, which is of the most famous religious monuments. Aquarium Barcelona: Located fish park near the port of Wort elephant in Barcelona, ​​Spain, is the marine park in Barcelona of the strangest parks and the most fun ever in the city, given the attractive way that feature marine animals, as they are of stunning nature, was inaugurated in 1996, and nothing in this attractive garden largest aquarium in the world, this basin is formed in the form of a glass corridor review in which fish and coral and fish proximity marine worms. National Museum: This museum assets belonging to it was in ancient times and the time of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mansur, but the Spanish government has worked to blur this museum, and turn it into a musical national museum.

Where to go in Bahrain

Bahrain Bahrain is one of the Middle East, and the Arabian Peninsula, and is the country of the smallest countries in the world with a total area of ​​up to seven hundred and sixty-five square kilometers, live by more than one million and four hundred thousand people, and though it contains many areas attractive, and most visitors to these areas are from the Arab Gulf states. Bahrain Fort dubbed Bahrain Fort castle Portugal, are found in the northern part of the island of Bahrain, specifically in the Seef District, and return the castle to the Dilmun civilization, was the castle built at different intervals; where was built for the first time in the fourth century AD, and was composed at the time of the Towers circular shape, and a range of different rooms, and included a second building to expand the castle from the outside, and was build a fence, circular towers, and it was the most important building is the third when Portugal took over the site, led by Admiral Alfonso Albuquerque, and used Admiral as a military base, and expanded the castle to be as it right Now. Arad Fort longer Arad bastion of Islamist was built in the fifteenth century traditional Khjarh sea materials, lime, sand, and the trunks of palm trees, and take the square shape, and there are cylindrical towers at each corner of the corners, and there are close to him a small moat surrounds the castle, and has the restoration process castle in the early eighties; and it up to preserve the historical value of Arad. Bahrain National Museum is no museum in the Bahraini capital Manama near King Faisal Street, and the total area has about twenty-seven thousand eight hundred square meters to be the largest museums in the country, tasked built about thirty million dollars, consisting Museum of the three halls used in archeology, the two portray ancient culture before the start of the industrial revolution in the country, and the Chamber of natural History, and contain many species of plants, animals, and a section depicting ancient history, it contains this section at the old graves, and there are other sections of the manuscripts ancient Koranic, astronomy, documents, and messages historical. Other sites Riffa Fort: You know the castle on behalf of Salman bin Ahmed Al Fateh, are found in a desert area known as the East Riffa, the castle was used as a bulwark in the foot, and defensive point, the castle consists of three rectangular rooms. Lost Paradise of Dilmun: is one of the largest parks in the Middle East, are found in Sakhir, up a total area of ​​seven and seventy thousand square meters, it can accommodate more than five thousand visitors at a time, and contains the park twenty game, and a swimming pool. Beaches: There are many outstanding beaches in the country, such as a beach Plage Algeria, the Corniche beach club, and Dry Dock, and Muharraq and Malkiya, and Karbabad, and Halat Bu Maher, and floods, and Arad, and the monastery, and chests, and Samaheej.

Travel to Bahrain

Bahrain is the Bahrain capital Manama, the smallest country in the Arab world, which is actually an island area of ​​765.5 Iklmtermrba located in the Arabian Gulf, is one of the Arab Gulf states, due originally in her name to being dependent on two sources of water, a water eyes in them, in addition to water the sea, and because of its strategic location, it has played soccer a big role in the trade, was the link between many nations, and successively by many civilizations, as was the compound of the Abrahamic faiths, it contains the most important Syriac Church, a Church of the East, it is worth mentioning that Bahrain was one of the first countries that embraced the Islamic religion, and there have been many conflicts that have existed between neighboring Bahrain states, which was aimed at annexation of Bahrain to its authority, especially after having been the first oil well in the year 1932 discovery, that Britain made the announcement of Bahrain as an independent state and is a subsidiary of Sun, was signed with the Al Khalifa protection agreement, and declared its independence from Britain in 1971. Travel to Bahrain are traveling to Bahrain by air through the Bahrain International Airport, which is the only airport in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and that the population of Saudi Arabia can travel overland to Bahrain, because of the bridge that was built and which links between the two countries, and it should be noted that the travel to Bahrain by air need a visa to enter, as must be done to provide evidence that the traveler has enough money in his bank account to be able to support himself; because it is forbidden for any foreigner to engage in any type of business during his travels. Bahrain's climate and nature of Bahrain is a semi-desert region, severe The heat there, and what little it rains on its territory, and is considered the summer season is a chapter dominant in, or for the winter, so the weather mild in the day, cold and wet at night, but with the scarcity of rainfall, and is considered spring and autumn are the chapters of Luxor in the year, but for their nature, they are limited to certain types of trees that can bear the warm nature, and due to the lack of diversity in nature and high temperatures, we find that the types Alehiwant there is a limited and about mostly be wild animals like a gazelle and rabbits, as well as the types of bird Kalnurs whether immigrant or resident Kalplbul. The most important tourist destinations in Bahrain, there are many attractions that you can visit in Bahrain, such as Bahrain International Museum: The museum is the first in the Arabian Gulf, where the foundation is due to the year 1988, it contains traces dating to 6,000 years old. Bahrain Fort: One of the heritage sites registered in UNESCO, where the castle is located on a hill and the oldest archaeological dating to 4,000 years old, and there are displays 500 artifacts indicate the nobility of Bahrain, and the long history of civilizations that have followed them. Bomahr Castle: the traveler will be able to explore through the pearl, which was a harbor for merchants in their business operations, it is worth mentioning that this project registered within the human heritage list. 388 compound: a collection of shops, restaurants and recreational areas.

The best tourist destinations in Bahrain

Tourism in Bahrain relies on tourism as the main source of income, one of the countries that receive large numbers of tourists annually, is estimated at more than two million tourists, the majority of tourists are from the Gulf nationalities campaign, Calcaudian and Kuwaiti and Omani and UAE and country, as well as foreign tourists who come from different countries of the world, the British campaign as tourists and American nationalities and other countries, and features plenty of attractions worth visiting, they contain many archaeological sites and museums, which are important attractions for tourists. Tourist places in Bahrain, there are a lot of tourist places in Bahrain which comes attract tourists to her, to enjoy its beauty and splendor: the complex commercial Sword: This is a complex of the most important and the largest shopping malls in the State of Bahrain, where he has lots of shops and up numbering about two hundred shops, in addition to the presence of large numbers of outstanding restaurants that provide quality services for tourists, and where there is Mjamaan two special cinema and entertainment center and call it Mjk Island, and is suitable for all ages. Higher Commercial Complex: Occupying a complex second-class in terms of volume after trading Saif Complex, is a place of tourism an important and attractive for tourists, and that due to his distinct, stylish and elegant designs, whether from within or from outside it, and was built on the basis of the merger between the modern style and traditional method the State of Bahrain, where there is plenty of shops, in addition to the various and diverse restaurants in the services offered to visitors. Bahrain National Museum: This museum of the most important milestones that indicate the ancient history of Bahrain through the ages and which dates back to six thousand years, and consists of this museum than four halls are used for formal presentations, hall Allmonah civilization, and the halls are indicative on the nature of life that prevailed in Bahrain before entering into the stage of the industry, in addition to the Hall shed light on the nature of the environment in the State of Bahrain, and this is reflected by the presence of many of the samples that are related to some plants, and other samples of animal lived in the old era. Fatih Mosque: This is the mosque of the most important tourist destinations in Bahrain, in addition to being a house of worship, one of the largest mosques on the level of the State of Bahrain, and called Al Fateh Islamic Centre. Arad Fort: The most important characteristic of this castle and make it an important tourist place in Bahrain, the typical designs that made it a good place to repel any attack by enemies, characterized Broatha especially at night time and beauty, which is near the Bahrain Airport places.

The best state for honeymooners

Honeymoon The honeymoon is the first period spent by grooms or married new, and in any place chosen by them both, which is often the period and the place where the couple celebrated Bartbathma and entry into the golden cage, and is chosen based on several different things; such as cost, weather, and places romance in it, and other things. It must be planned to honeymoon until well be beautiful days memorable in the life of the future couple. How to choose where to spend their honeymoon choose your favorite place for both spouses: all people have the layouts and dreams of where they will go to in the honeymoon; so it's good that the both spouses conversing on the subject and choose the place that represents their dream and desire. Determine the budget: For the couple to determine the amount that They could spend it if they went to the honeymoon; the first The period of the marriage may be tough physically because of all the expenses incurred on the House and the Wedding, so it's good to save a sum of money to be made a special honeymoon period, and account total cost him. Period in which they will spend a couple on their honeymoon: There are a lot of things that govern this matter; for example, there are material costs, which rise the greater period of time, and also there is a period of leave from work for both spouses, some jobs makes it imperative for the person back to work shortly, so you must take these things into account. The period in which the couple wants to go to the honeymoon: it may not be season appropriate to go because, for example, the weather, so some couples resort to postpone their honeymoon until the weather changes and be able to go to their preferred place. The best state to spend their honeymoon there are a lot of different countries and appropriate to spend a honeymoon period, and the couple's only the most suited to their circumstances and their desires to choose, and these places: Bora Bora Island: one of the most places charming and romantic at all; it features privacy and atmosphere specially prepared for couples and lovers, and features the shore and pure crystal, which is unparalleled in other countries, in addition to the nature picturesque, and can a person spend time either in the hotel or in one of the huts beach leisured and equipped with the best equipment. Bali (Indonesia) and call it a lot of people paradise earth, because of their nature scenery and wonderful, and that's what makes a lot of people to spend a romantic time and fun with their loved ones, and can couple to spend time either on their own in nature, or planning to go a trip in a boat around the city, going to learn about the famous landmarks where Kalmabid shrouded by fog. Paris (France): It is a city of love and romance, and its name is linked with tasty food, singing and music quiet addition to the art, making it the best destinations for lovers and married couples, and can couple to stay in a Paris hotel leisured, or in one of the archaeological and popular lanes to get to know the region better and a different perspective . Venice (Italy): This town has the nature of archaeological and charming, which makes a person falls in love with her from the first visit, so considered by many one of the best areas couples for their honeymoon; it sends tranquility and comfort in the soul, as well as the inhabitants are friendly to a large extent, a you do not need to significant costs just like any other regions and countries, making it appropriate for many of the destination. Turkey: Turkey is the most suitable place for the honeymoon for the Arab pairs, due to its proximity to the majority of Arab countries, and low remain on costs, as well as various advantages; the weather is nice, and scenic nature, and its people

Best tourist destination

Classification of tourist countries there are many factors that are classified by which the best tourist States; where is the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is responsible for it, and issued Organization list of countries best three times per year, and the most significant factors upon which the rating is : the number of tourists to the state, and the extent of government spending on tourism and services, and the readiness of transport in all its forms, sites that carry the heritage and values. The best tourist countries France occupies France ranked first on the world tourism, as the country is intended annually more than 83 million visitors, and though it occupies third place in terms of tourism income, and owns the country's 37 locations included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site, and contains the country a lot of beaches and coastal resorts, and more than two hundred garden classified, and the major destinations that ensures every visitor to France for her visit are: the Louvre, which is the museum is the most visited in the world of art, and the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysees, and the Palace of Versailles, the arc de Triomphe and the Centre Pompidou, and Mont-Saint-Michel, the Château de Chambord and Chateau de Ott, the Puy-de-Dôme, and the Picasso Museum, and Carcassonne. United States of America, the United States has a lot of natural wonders, cities, historic landmarks, and places of entertainment, and is the country one of the fastest countries that have grown rapidly in urban areas during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and attract the country each year more than 63 million visitors, reaching the value of the country's income from tourism more than US $ 10.9 billion, and the most prominent tourist areas in the US are: Times Square, and Central Park, the station Union, and Grand Central terminal, the magic Kingdom, Disneyland Resort, and the Golden gate bridge, San Francisco Bay, and the market hall Faneuil, and Balboa Park, and Mackinac bridge, and Navy Pier. Spain occupies the country ranked third after the states of Italy and China in terms of the number of World Heritage sites by 44 locations, the most famous sites attractions are: the Cathedral of Burgos, the monastery and the Royal Site of El Escorial, the cave of Altamira, Santiago de Compostela, the Monastery of Paulette, the Royal Monastery, National Park Doñana, Santa Maria de Guadalupe, Palau de la Musica Catalana. China has grown tourism in China in the past few decades dramatically, since the beginning of the era of reform and opening up, and occupies the country ranked third on the world of the number of tourists by 56 million visitors, and of the country's revenues of about US $ 185 billion, and the most popular tourist sites in the country is : Changbai Mountains, the Grand Canal, the great Wall of China, the silk road, Mount Jyuhua, the Forbidden city, Summer Palace, Temple of heaven, and the Wudang Mountains, and Mount Tai, and the Potala Palace.

Best states for tourism

Best states for tourism there are countries classified as one of the best states to have fun at the time, including the following: Turkey is one of the best tourist destinations; because of the great and ancient history, which is the capital Istanbul, one of the most creative places, when you go to Turkey can visit the Sultanahmet Mosque , or visit the blue Mosque, which was built on 1916; and is characterized by its design engineering wonderful. It also advises to visit the Hagia Sophia Museum, which was the ancient center of the Orthodox, was converted into a museum, and is considered one of the most important museums in Turkey until the present time, can visit the covered market which is one of Turkey's largest markets in Istanbul, where they are selling many products do, it is important Visit the great Bosphorus bridge, which is one of the most important landmarks of Turkey, as it is one of the largest suspension bridges in the world. Maldives are advised to visit for people who love the sea, climb mountains, nature, you can see many types of marine organisms, and participate in many of the centers learn to dive, and you can see many caves reefs there. It also advised to visit Helengela resort island; it's finest dive locations in the world, is characterized with soil white beach, and offers many international dishes, and is available with all the distinctive tourist services, it is possible to visit the National Museum; it is the Sultan Palace, has its many wonderful artifacts and visit Aasdho Island is one of the inhabited islands, and is held by many of the festivities. AC Milan are located in Italy, which is the coolest attractions that feature beautiful Bobenitha; Aldmupaiaza arena; that surprised everyone when you see them; characterized by the presence of the Duomo church, which ranked among the largest churches in the world, featuring a built-honored Italian art. There is also a scene of many restaurants that offer delicious dishes, you can visit the Galleria building Emmanuel II; one of the most beautiful and most spectacular buildings in the world, and has its many shops that sell the most famous international brands, where the building features a mosaic and its beauty and accuracy of its construction, it is important to visit Aloscala ; it is one of the finest opera houses in the world and held her concerts a day, and also offers the finest types of Italian music, as it is important to also visit Quadralatteroda ur field; there are many celebrities clothes are sold.

The best time to travel to Turkey

Turkey is characterized Turkey's strategic location, being situated between the continents of Asia and Europe in the Middle East, bordering the Black Sea, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and its capital, Ankara, and described as a secular, democratic state with a republican character, an area of ​​approximately 700 thousand kilometers square, and the number of inhabitants according to recent statistics about 70 million people. The terrain and the climate surrounding Turkey on three sides by the seas of the Aegean from the western part of the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean Searalowhit from the south, in addition to the Sea of ​​Marmara in the northwest of the country, and features Turkey for its beautiful scenery such as waterfalls, mountains and areas plain green, etc., and is characterized by an atmosphere Turkey's Mediterranean climate any coastal climate, due to its supervision on board the Aegean and the Mediterranean, so the summers hot and dry and winters cool and sometimes very cold, and the rain it rains ranging quantities of small to very large in some regions, also fall under the snow relatively well. Tourism, tourism is an important basis of the foundations of the economy in Turkey, which is due to the gross national product of great benefit, as it constitutes a very important source of income, and hold hands working in various tourism facilities, as well as tourism and other industries, and Turkey is especially in our time present an important tourist destination attracting millions of people around the world, who offer them to enjoy the beautiful terrain and culture and their implications for its climate, are available airports and various means of transport where, which helps tourists to freedom of movement and does not constitute an obstacle in front of them, and led the presence of various tourist facilities such as restaurants, cafes, hotels and other to make the country the focus of the attention of people everywhere. Tourist areas considered to Istanbul with historical value, and formed the economic, commercial and cultural position and contain the tourist areas of things that made it a great tourist importance, and tourist sites where Sultanahmet Mosque, the Covered Market, the Bosphorus Bridge and others, in addition to Antalya and the waterfront restaurants and waterfalls and cafes and beaches. Travel to Turkey requires travel to somewhere find out all the details that make it easier than this, as well as the case of Turkey, the person that follows the affairs with the tourist office, which joined him, when traveling to Turkey, the passenger nationality is that play a role in the travel conditions, and in Commons gets tourists visas exit and entry, which includes multiple trips and be a three-month period, valued at US $ 15, and you must make sure your passport for a period of six months has expired, is that the traveler can get a visa for multiple trips stretching for several years, but they are quite expensive. The best time to travel to Turkey, the best times to visit Turkey are spring and autumn because of the discounts, downloads on various goods, as is the atmosphere where moderate temperatures are suitable for all but the practice of different activities, and travel preferably in the summer due to the high and drying of temperature, whereas in winter Vtkon heat cool is not it fits most tourists.

Travel to Turkey to work

Turkey if you think that Turkey is the only tourist destination, the thinking misnomer, because Turkey is among the most countries in the world that contains a large amount of foreign labor, due to business and professional job opportunities within them. In this article we will give you the details and tips about searching for a job in Turkey. Travel to Turkey at the moment if you want to live in Turkey, you must obtain a residence permit within one month from the date of your access to it, and then you must apply for a work permit, which entitles you to act without any legal accountability, and issued this statement from the Ministry of Interior in Ankara. When you complete it, you can rent a house should be, and you can find the apartment that suits your budget, do not forget to negotiate on the price because everything in Turkey is negotiable, even if you are using a real estate office to find the apartment, it is good to holding talks on the commission as well. Look for a job in Turkey, the unemployment rate in Turkey is rather high; the rate of up to ten percent, and a person must traveler to Turkey to know that he will not find a job is easy; When find a job where it is because there is a shortage of qualified local staff specific areas. Turkish business world is formed above the fundamental pillar of personal relationships, any sense that favoritism plays a key role in employment there is almost like other countries, while the expatriate must wait for a period to get a proper job. Of the keys to success in the Turkish business world to be patient and talented person to his work, not like other countries that have been pressing the employee and force him to complete the work as soon as high quality. At the appropriate field in spite of the high unemployment rate, but there are some jobs that are more available for expatriate Turkish citizen, namely; translation services: a little what you will find Turks speak more than one language, so it is difficult for the tourist or investor has to deal with them most of the time, and here comes the role of the interpreter; if you are a people who are fluent Turkish, English and Arabic, Vfrs provide work more than you have, and other areas for which there is demand for employment, is the administrative functions including: management of hotels, restaurants, technology, engineering, programming, and care health and medical professions.

Travel to Serbia

Serbia Serbia is a European country, which is located in the central region of the State of the Balkans, it is bounded on the western side of Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro, and bounded on the northern and southern Albania and Macedonia both sides, with an estimated area of ​​Serbia eight and eighty thousand kilometers and three hundred and sixty one square kilometers and an estimated population of about seven millions of citizens. And it accumulates mostly in the capital Belgrade and the surrounding provinces, and it should be noted that Serbia is a landlocked states; that is, they do not look down on any aqueous port, and the estimated number of tourists annual State of Serbia Bmlona tourists a year, it is important to know that there are a series of steps to be made before you travel for Serbia. Serbia visa to all those who wish to travel to Serbia, to apply for a visa for Serbia in the embassies of Serbia in all parts of the world, and in applications to be developed prepared for visa: a passport valid for at least three months, and it must be with a colorful picture of him . Voturavitan Two images of a person, and the dimensions of the three and a half × four and a half the picture, and requires that the background is white. Image of Health Insurance. Leading to the request for documents, such as reservations at the hotel, and bookings for the volatile back and forth, the image arrived to the amount paid for the costs of the trip paid. Photos from bank accounts, and these pictures show a way to dispose of credit cards, and the movement of the account, as well as information on other resources. Mastery of the English language or the Serbian language, with pictures of all the requirements and supporting documents. And the duration of the visa fourteen days. The amount required to get a visa needs to sixty-two euros. As an individual who has a visa to undergo a personal interview. Asylum in Serbia adults who are interested in immigration and stay in Serbia go to those in the Valjevo police stations, and Belgrade, and Taatkadim asylum application, and will refund the center of this request paper inscribed in Serbian, the aim of this word to express regret to apply for asylum, following receipt this paper, on-demand approach to reception centers submitted within a maximum period of three days, and after this period is considered the paper obsolete, and therefore have the presence of demand illegal, and often the provider of these centers provide housing for housing. The asylum application stage procedures, the first phase is the delivery of image and fingerprints of all fingers, and after this procedure gets advanced on a card for asylum Profile, the second stage is the work of a personal interview, and advanced through which to interpret and explain the reasons for asylum. Minors are entitled to minors apply for asylum and live in all of downtown Banja Koviljaca and, after the submission of the application minors placed in an institution called popravni dom Vasa Stajić, and this institution exists in the capital, Belgrade, and then transmits the minor to the resort center.

Travel to Kuwait

Kuwait is Kuwait, the Arab Gulf states, is the smallest Gulf Arab state in terms of area, and its capital, Kuwait City, is bordered to the west and north of the Iraqi Republic, and from the eastern side of the Gulf Arabs, on the south by Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait is distinguished by Banach desert like all other Gulf countries, where they are in a season summer temperatures are very high, and in the winter goes down to become the climate is moderate, as is the most famous oil-producing countries in the world, so the Kuwaitis is characterized by high income, it is also significantly advanced from the architectural point of view, in addition to the spread of many commercial, tourist, cultural and artistic places. How to travel to Kuwait on to the State of Kuwait is not easy, since all the Gulf states operate the system itself, it is accessible only for tourism and duration not exceeding two weeks, or for a business, and you need a visa with no objection, so that there is a sponsor, a business owner, It sends a visa and facilitates entry worker or his job. In addition to the visa businessmen or investors, who invest in the state. Tourist destinations in Kuwait Kuwait Towers: The towers of the main features of which is divided into three towers in Ras Ajuzh area in Kuwait City, the capital, has been the opening of these towers formally during the year (1979), with a height of the main tower where nearly 187 meters, and this distinguishes towers ring shape which reveals to its visitors the most beautiful landscapes in the city, also has a large water reservoir, and won the towers on Islamic Aga Khan Award for Architecture. Sadu House: It is a region's heritage preservation of Sadu industry in the region, which is a traditional industry, specializes in weaving and weaving wool and Beit hair tents, and held a number of exhibitions and courses, has been the foundation of this house (1979 m), but it was built from mud in the year (1936) on the old Kuwaiti architectural touches of Indian and Islamic model. Green Island: one of the artificial islands with an area of ​​about (785) thousand square kilometers, and there are near Kuwait Towers, is the island's first artificial island created in the Gulf region, it has a long corridor (134 meters) linking the mainland, and has a castle for children and Tower and Falls aquatic center services in the form of the Roman amphitheater in Jordan. Failaka Island: a historic island at the level of the State of Kuwait, which has a different historical landmarks dating from the third millennium BC, where they are organized tours to the island of Ras Al-Salmiya area. Messilah Beach: is one of the largest beaches in Kuwait, which runs on the coast a distance of 350 meters, the direction of Fahaheel road, and what distinguishes the white sand, and swimming pools for different ages on the beach. Ski Hall: It is a private gym artificial sport of figure skating, created in the year (1980), and is the first terminal in the Gulf, an area of ​​approximately (8.398) square meters, surrounded by a green belt. Heritage Village: There Failaka Island, Kuwait buildings contain archaeological and old, were created to preserve the authenticity of old Kuwaiti housing.

Travel to Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh Arab world contains a lot of distinct climates and nature of the magnificent coastal areas, and one of those areas of Sharm el-Sheikh, located in the Arab Republic of Egypt at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea coast, which with an estimated area of ​​480 square kilometers, and a population of 35 thousand people, according to the latest statistics conducted in 2013 AD. The city was established in 1968 AD and the famous city of peace where available with security and peace a high level, and this has led to the selected one of the best five cities for peace across the world, and the rating was issued by UNESCO. Travel to Sharm el-Sheikh Sharm El-Sheikh, characterized from other Egyptian cities to establish more than 200 buildings from the tourist resorts, restaurants and hotels on its shores, making travel to the purpose of tourism demand for all the people of the Arab and foreign countries alike. The access to the Sharm el-Sheikh via the following from the Red Sea or across the Flyers started landing at the international airport of ships, as is access to the city and enjoy Bmnzerha and resorts at the lowest prices, they are one of the cheapest tourist areas in the world. The most important places in Sharm El Sheikh Naama Bay: Bay is located in the middle of Sharm el-Sheikh and linking Africa and Asia, and is visited by thousands of tourists annually leisure and enjoy the natural scenery of coral reefs and white sand and colorful fish that are shown across the boat glass available in abundance in the region, Gulf and provides a large number of high-end resorts and restaurants with delicious dishes, which aims to provide a means of comfort to the visitors. Ras Mohammed: The protected World Heritage that have been recognized in 1983 AD, and has protected many of the coral reefs and fish brilliant multi-colors and turtles endangered, and are enjoying the reserve through the dive in its waters or by sailing boat glass. Tiran Island: an island 61 square kilometers and lies approximately 6 kilometers from the eastern Sinai coast, characterized by the island basal Beskhorha granite and drilling filled with water, which was formed through natural sculpture, the visitor can view the reef on the island and watch submerged in sea bottom ships. Peace Garden: Garden contains more than 37 rare medicinal plant type is grown on an area of ​​33 acres, and go to the visitor in order to identify those plants and buy what they need to add to the enjoyment of vegetables found in them. Clio amusement park: to promote tourism in Sharm el-Sheikh has been the establishment of many of the nightclubs that provide entertaining games for children and adults alike, including Kilo Park Bmdechlha distinctive character of a Pharaonic. Park One Thousand and One Nights: a park provides enjoy the visitor, horse riding and watching Egyptian folk dances in addition to the dazzling colors and sounds for the visitor.

Travel to Egypt

Egypt is an Arab country located in the north-east of the continent of Africa, as her along the Asian linking the State of Palestine through Sinai, and is bordered to the north of the Mediterranean, while bordered to the north-eastern state of Palestine, while the west Vthdha Libya, while bordered to the south, the State of Sudan. One of the largest Arab countries, and its capital city of Cairo, the official religion of Islam, which is classified as one of the largest countries in the world in terms of population density. The state is the land of Egypt and the Arab embraced the ancient Pharaonic civilization, which left a cultural effects, and architectural, intellectual and to this day, and therefore attract large numbers of tourists to it, and if you ever think to travel to this article will guide you. Travel to the Arab Republic of Egypt, if one day I decided to travel to Egypt to you this important information to facilitate this command: General information about the country of Egypt African countries, the general climate where dry tropical, warm and mild around the Mediterranean basin throughout the year, and its capital, Cairo, and its currency, the Egyptian pound , The predominant language is Arabic, while the religion of the majority of the population to Islam. Rules get Egyptian visa if you are an Egyptian you'll get a visit visa and a valid passport, and you can get a visa from embassies and consulates in the country, while the exception of this arrivals of tourists from overland border post of Taba, who want to visit the Gulf of Aqaba and St. Catherine only, and they do need a special visa to enter, and can be accommodation in the area for only fourteen days. There are three types of visas that can be obtained to travel to Egypt, the first of a tourist visa, which serve for only three months, the second entry visa to foreigners for purposes other than tourism, such as work or study, which is valid until the person get the treatment stay. While the visa third is a transit visa that allows the traveler to pass through Egypt, from one country to another without staying in the country. Most major ports in the country of the most important international airports in the country Cairo International Airport, and airport Alasncderah, and airport Luxor and Aswan in Upper Egypt Airport, and airport Hurghada in the Red Sea area, airport Sharm el-Sheikh in South Sinai. Of the most important seaports in which they can enter into Egypt port of Alexandria and Port Said and Damietta through the Mediterranean, while there Nuweiba port through the Gulf of Aqaba, and there is also a port of Suez through the Gulf of Suez and Hurghada and Safaga and Sharm el-Sheikh through the Red Sea. Of the most important points that could land them enter Egypt and Rafah that participate in this crossing point with the Palestinian Gaza Strip, and Taba, and Salloum. The most important tourist places to visit there are many attractions that can be had in this state, there is the city of the capital Cairo, which contain a lot of landmarks Pharaonic civilization, the Egyptian pyramids, statues, ancient temples, as well as landmarks of Islamic civilization collector Amr ibn al-Aas, the Mosque of Ibn Tulun and the walls of Cairo and Al-Azhar. You can also visit a lot of coastal cities, which are characterized by the beauty of the marine nature, offering the finest hotel and tourism services, particular state like California, Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh.

How do I arrange travel bag

Travel is a travel of the most enjoyable things that can be performed by rights, be it for tourism or study, or work, or for anything else, there is nothing more beautiful than to go to a new place and meeting new from another culture with people, and enjoy a new adventure, it is known that a person traveling through the leaves and place the stability of his life, and replace all of that travel bag, where all that is needed during the days of his putting, how can the order of the bag properly? Arrange travel bag must know the things that you need during the day and will not be available in a place of temporary stay, or while traveling, but her knowledge tried to record everything you use during the day for two or three days, this section of the objects placed mostly in a large bag may be separated from you through the process Travel. Personal Care Tools: This is one of the most important things that must be taken into account; brush your teeth and Majunk, Sabontek, and a small towel for use during travel or nomadic, no creams or cosmetics you used to use, picks ears and picks teeth, may also need to machine hair shaved own judgment . Clothes: Take a sufficient amount of refills, especially if the washing machine is not available in the place which will assess it, especially the internal gears and socks, and do not forget to put Guiara or two for any formal occasion or a business meeting, be sure to purchase athletic shoes light and comfortable in the event of the need for walking, especially if you wish to visit tourist sites. Best to arrange the clothes in the bag way is through rolled not folded; Vallv makes it occupies less volume, which means that you do not have to carry the bag is greater than your need. Drugs: It is important here taking the amount of drugs more than you need, no one knows what can happen, may be delayed to refer to your country for one reason unplanned. But watch out for the storage conditions needed medication, and be sure that will not be exposed to any position contrary to the rules of it. Money: Let the money in a small bag on your shoulder or your back, I carry the amount of money is enough for all your movements and Aqamatk, and add to it other quantity of reserves, or Carry a credit card are abbreviated effort and size, but do not lose sight of some of the banknotes ready for immediate payment at any time , but not with you a sufficient amount of the currency in which it will travel. Things that you need because travel there is a lot of widgets do not need in regular your days, but during the travel to be very necessary, and placed most of these things in a shoulder bag or the back will never leave you during your travels, including: the official paperwork, and most important of your passport and your identity, and plane ticket in case I was traveling in the plane. Any medical papers in the event of pregnancy or disease -Your allowed to Allah, to facilitate health transactions through travel. Food and drink enough for a day, just in case: there must be shops all over the place to buy your food, but you may spend a lot of time during the wild travel without passing Bohdha, and spend a long time waiting for the late Ttiyartk at the airport, and I do not have anyway Ghali to buy expensive food at the airport. For travel medicine; the private acquisition of medicine sea sickness or dizziness. Consult your doctor at the appropriate medication and attach to other purposes. This is generally the most important things you need to know for the processing of your travel bag, remember that you may need other things to your your situation, do not ignore them.

The safest country in the world

Security in the world by the Institute for Economics and world peace, starting from the year 2007, by issuing an annual index from which to measure the peaceful level and security in the countries and global regions, depending on a variety of measures of internal and external factors, and in spite of the large number of wars and disasters scattered in different parts of the world, However, there is a group of countries that have been regarded as the most secure, and we'll talk about it here. Denmark world's most secure state of Denmark comes out on top so that spearheaded; for they are a safe place to live and practice normal life with minimal problems, and although she had been Nazi occupation in World War II, but they all its members preferred to take care of administrative and economic affairs of the country rather than fight the others, except for the people of this country enjoys the friendliness, cooperation and openness. Other safe countries in addition to Denmark there is a group of countries and regions, which enjoy a high degree of security worldwide, and include the following: Norway comes second after Denmark, the highest states of the world's human development terms, and is considered a safe place to live and the life; as a result of the keenness of their governments on the state of peace and security at the top of their concerns. Singapore: Despite its size, small area, but it is one of the most effective of the international community, and come in third place globally in terms of security and peace; to it since it became independent in 1965, is keen to be peaceful and safe, by carrying on the establishment of diplomatic relations and economic and political and friendly with everyone, specifically that neighboring. Slovenia: In addition to enjoying security and peace majora, ranked as one of the most beautiful areas in the world; for it is heading to big Addd tourists confidence Bomna and beauty, which demonstrates the great level of security which, the small number of maintaining order and peace forces emitted by the United Nations for all. Sweden: You are not in any war or battle consecutive two centuries ago, although it is the most powerful nations in the global armament industry, so that export to Europe, but to maintain security in proportion. Iceland: The first countries that called for a halt global conflicts despite the collapse of its banks several years ago, did not mention that it found any crime, in addition to the scenic beauty and nature that attracts every year a large number of tourists. Czech Republic: I got independence in 1989; as a result of the Velvet Revolution, and which led to the split from Slovakia, and this led to the high granted independence on the political, economic and administrative system level, and this is creating an atmosphere of security and comfort which, in addition to containing a range of areas tourist beautiful, and this is a whole attracts large number of tourists to it. Participate

Travel to Canada

Canada track the state of Canada to the North American continent, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean up to the northern part of the Pacific Hait, and shares most of its land border with the United States from the south to be the longest border between two states in the world, and is bounded by the Arctic Ocean north, and from the northeast Greenland, covering an area of ​​9980000 square kilometers, to be the second largest country in terms of total area, with a population of more than thirty-six million, consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Traveling to Canada Canada is a popular destination for tourists from around the world; and that because of its country from the tourist areas, good services, while longer a destination by refugees from the country is full of wars, and others looking for an opportunity to travel under the name of immigration; where have these persons permanent Canadian citizenship to live in the country. Canada features include Canada on many green spaces lost a few densely populated. It is one of the countries that have diversified in climate from region to region. It offers a wide range of modern health services; where occupies advanced positions in this area. It contains a large series of prestigious universities in the world; providing learners three degrees (bachelor's and master's, and doctoral degrees) with the scientific research, academic. Considered one of the world's most secure and stable countries, and well-being, they also offer good business opportunities. The country occupies second place on the northern continent in terms of the number of tourists, which is one of the world's most nations visit, has a wide range of tourist attractions: the Bridge Capilano NARRATOR: There is in the northern part of Vancouver, and spans a length of 140 meters, and extends half over the river, and visited each year more than 800 thousand visitors. Stanley Park: There is a park in Vacouvr city center, the most important thing distinguishes it is not designed by the architect of special landscapes, but it was formed through the ages. Granville Island: contain many of the comforts year as the market, and a boutique hotel, and Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and theater arts, and all these things made from the island station frequented by hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. Manitoba Museum is the largest museum in the Manitoba Winnipeg area, the museum was designed by Herbert Henry in 1965, featuring the largest heritage center in the world, which focuses on the human heritage, and natural. Fort Gibraltar: fort built in 1809 by the North West Company, it is located in the area of ​​thorns in the city of Winnipeg.

Travel to Sweden

State of Sweden Sweden countries from Scandinavia located in the north Oruruba, bordered to the east and south of the Baltic Sea, and is bordered to the west side of North Norway and the party, as bounded Kattegat bay of the North Sea, and have a maritime border with Denmark, Germany and Poland, and are associated with Denmark bridge Oresund, Its capital Stockholm is located in the eastern part of Sweden, and is divided administratively into 21 provinces, with a population of nearly ten million people, according to 2015 statistics AD, one of the most European countries and in the world in terms of the welfare of the population, and the population of the world's most in spending and luxury, and famous for Sweden several prominent figures have emerged throughout history, the most famous inventor, a chemical engineer Alfred Nobel, founder and inventor of dynamite Nobel Prize physicist and astronomer Anders Celsius innovative temperature Celsius. Travel to Sweden for most people of Sweden travels request for study or demand for Migration, there are those who think that he would fulfill his dreams of far away from his home and his place, and is considered state of Sweden's leading education states, and states that facilitate the study of migrants and foreign students about it, and help this is what where luxury and comfort features, these features help heavily on immigration and study in Sweden, but do not forget the dark side of travel, which is sometimes illegally, Sweden has seen a lot of migrations illegal especially from the Maghreb countries, which ended in a terrible way and it led to the death of many. How to travel to Sweden to travel to Sweden needs any citizen does not follow the European Union's visa, a statement provided by the traveler of Sweden Whether request a visit or tourism or study and be on a temporary basis, is found in several online sites showing how to get a visa and help the traveler, and for travel formally choose to access the official website of the State Department Swedish He ( then visit the Swedish embassy or consulate in the traveler country, and if not found in passenger country's diplomatic mission in Swedish can visit the nearest state has to do transactions of travel, duration of visa access to Sweden to be ninety days each time entry, and can be renewed every ninety days to six months, except in the case study, it may by special laws, and the duration of the visa application does not exceed a month to be answered by the diplomatic mission, a lot of private travelers students work in addition to their studies in Sweden because of the high cost of the study, which can not be paid any student, and preferred not to travel to study in Sweden only through a scholarship.

Travel to Germany

Travel to Germany is one of the more productive the various heavy industries states, located Germany in the middle of the continent of Europe, and ranked as one of the most important tourist destinations in Europe, attracting millions of tourists and visitors every year, and attract the cities of Germany various tourist groups of families and grooms, youth and applicants age because of cultural and geographical diversity, which offers the tourists is limited options for recreational activities that can be made, between trips into the arms of nature, and a curfew in the palaces and gardens famous, or to move between the picturesque islands. Tips before traveling to Germany, not on the desire to travel to Germany, there are some points to be taken into account before you start firmly bags. Passport required along the passport validity for more than four months from the date of travel, while the European passport holders do not need a passport when traveling to Germany, enough to provide identity card with them. Visa extends the validity of visas to Germany from 3 months to 6 months, and beyond this period is out of the German mortals, and go to his country is forced by the German government, but who has the passport European passport does not need a visa. Weather characterized most cities in Germany moderately climate airspace, with constant winds blowing western wet and temperate climates prevail in the northern regions of the country, while the continental atmosphere prevails in the eastern regions, while the southern regions witnessing a lot of volatility between the temperate continental climate and atmosphere. Transport Express train is the way the first communication between the German cities, as many of the waterways, which are distributed in large numbers in the various regions of Germany, and aviation lines which plays an important role in the airspaces between the various parts of the world are available. Communications Germany covering 12 different network of cellular phone networks, and provides services to the consumer through the use of prepaid segment operates GSM system, and most important of these networks, Vodafone and T-Mobile network and the German network and Telefónica Germna. The geographical nature varied geography in Germany between the Alps chains extended in the southern regions of the country, and the coast stretching in the North, including areas, most notably the Baltic coast, are also included on the vast expanses of forests and natural life, so that occupies about a third of the area, while rivers Home like a river and the Danube River, and it lies in the Alstermash which is famous for being the lowest parts of Germany.

Travel to Australia

أستراليا تمّ اكتشاف أستراليا في القرون الوُسطى، وجاءت تسميتها بناءً على موقعها الواقع في جنوب الأرض، وقد نمت أستراليا حتى أصبحت من أكثر الدُول المُستقرة سياسياً واقتصادياً، وكان للسياحة في أستراليا الدور الأكبر في نمو اقتصادها. المناخ إن معظم الأراضي في أستراليا صحراويّة، ولكن هناك مناطق تتمتع بأجواء استوائيّة وفيها العديد من الغابات الاستوائيّة، ويعتمد هذا التنوع في المناخ على القرب أو البعد عن الساحل. وقد أدّى التنوع في المناخ في أستراليا إلى وجود العديد من الكائنات الحيّة النادرة التي تعيش فيها، وهذه الكائنات تشمل الحيوانات والنباتات والمخلوقات البحريّة، وفي أستراليا أكبر حاجز مرجانيّ على مستوى العالم، وفيه العديد من المخلوقات البحريّة، التي تُشكّل ألواناً جذابة لعالم ما تحت البحار. أهمّ المعالم السياحيّة الأستراليّة جزيرة تسمانيا: تقع شرق قارة أستراليا، وهي ولاية أستراليّة وجزيرة أيضاً، كما أنّها مناسبة للباحثين عن الأجواء الهادئة، بعيداً عن صخب الحياة، حيث فيها العديد من الشواطئ، ممّا جعلها من أفضل المناطق وأجملها لمحبي العزلة والاسترخاء، والتمتّع بمناظر الطبيعة الخضراء الخلابة والجميلة، وعلى هذه الجزيرة العديد من المحميّات الطبيعيّة، كما يوجد فيها حديقة فريسينت الوطنيّة المحاطة بجبال الجرانيت وردية اللون، وتقع هذه الحديقة على الشاطئ، ممّا يسمح للزوار بممارسة مختلف الرياضات المائيّة، مثل الغوص والسباحة وركوب الأمواج. جزيرة الكنغر: هي محميّة طبيعية يُمنع فيها الصيد، وذلك بسبب وجود الحيوانات الغريبة غير الموجودة في دول العالم الأخرى، ومن هذه الحيوانات، الكوالا والكنغر والبطريق وغيرها. بريزبن: وتشتهر هذه المدينة بالأسواق الجميلة، وفيها عدد من الحدائق التي تستحق الزيارة، بسبب المساحات الخضراء الجميلة فيها. ملبورن: وتأتي في المرتبة الثانية من بعد سيدني من حيث المساحة، كما أنّها من المدن المُتقدّمة، ويقع فيها أكبر ميناء للشحن في أستراليا. بالإضافة لذلك يوجد في ملبورن العديد من الغابات الخضراء، ممّا يمنحها طابعاً بيئيّاً جميلاً، وقد حازت ملبورن وعلى مدى أربعة أعوام على التوالي على لقب أفضل مدينة للإقامة، فسبُل العيش فيها مُريحة وأسعارها مناسبة. سيدني: تعدّ من أهم مدن أستراليا وأكبرها مساحة، وأشهر معالمها دار الأوبرا التي تمتاز بتصميم فريد من نوعه، وهي مُطلة على ميناء سيدني، وتتمتّع سيدني بمناخ معتدل وجميل على مدار العام، ولهذا فهي من أهم الوجهات التي تجذب الزوار في كل أوقات السنة. الدراسة في أستراليا أمّا بالنسبة للمسافرين للدراسة في أستراليا، وعلى الرغم من أنّ الدراسة فيها مُكلفة بعض الشيء، إلّا أن الطالب سيحظى بمستوى تعليم عالمي وعالٍ، كما يوجد تخصصات نادرة، ولا تتوفّر في العديد من البلدان، وفي أستراليا عدد من الجامعات التي صُنّفت على أنّها من أفضل الجامعات على مستوى العالم، كما تُقدّم أستراليا العديد من المنح الدراسية للطلاب من مختلف دول العالم.

Where travel leave

Travel Tourism Many people are taking advantage of the holiday period Travel and Tourism around the world to relax and learn about the cultures and customs of the peoples of historical, religious and various attractions, and tourism and mobility around the world countless benefits, psychological Kalrahh, and physical, and increase the life experiences and culture and the development of thought, and return of tourism are also economic benefits. The benefits of increased travel culture, Travelling gives you the opportunity to learn about the customs, traditions and ways of life of people in different countries, and identify the popular tourist attraction. Get new friends, Travelling gives you the opportunity to get to know new people and friends who share your ideas and hobbies. Psychological comfort, Traveling, tourism and visit new areas, gives you a comfortable feeling, and some scenic help increase calm the nerves. Source of income, you may Tourism is one of the sources of income and provide a distinctive tourist products and goods such as clothing, antiques, and some types of foods that back financial benefits, there are many people who rely on travel and tourism in the collection of additional income. The most beautiful Arab tourist areas of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Egypt owns many beautiful areas and diverse, Veugd the areas of religious tourism Kalmabid, churches and ancient mosques, pyramids and ancient museums, historical tourism, and various sea beaches Wimmer where many well-known seas Red Ksear, and the Mediterranean Sea, and the River Nile and numerous scenic and tourist villages equipped to provide the best services for visitors, Egypt considered one of the best destinations for tourism and spend a pleasant vacation. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, is defined Jordan's beauty and diversity of tourist destinations where, Valaptra of the Seven Wonders has long Shratna beauty and style to build rare and attractive, is no secret beauty of Wadi Rum, the magician, the Dead Sea Kokhvd point in the world, and other scenic areas. Republic of Lebanon, the you are looking for more natural areas attractive Lebanese republic is the correct destination, nature of the Lebanon mountain Almliah forest of evergreen trees and Mount Hermon for Distinguished researchers from the snowy games, and also Jeita Grotto is one of the most beautiful natural landmarks in Lebanon frequented by tourists from around the world. The best tourist areas in the world of the French Republic, the French republic is one of the purposes of the most famous tourists, thanks to contain the Eiffel Tower, one of the Seven Wonders. Italy, Italy The nature and picturesque area of ​​Venice distinctive historically and naturally made Italy one of the most famous tourist areas at all, do not forget the Leaning Tower of Pisa from above. Australia, Australia is one of the best tourist destinations for those seeking natural beauty and attractive views, as a distinctive Barrier Reef.

Travel to Italy

Travel to Italy Italy is the main center of the latest fashion, the most prestigious opera concerts in the world, famous for its Baractha and importance of cultural and art on the level of Europe and the world, to travel to Italy dream and obsession which many encircles him, where enticing travel there looking for a romantic atmosphere and beautiful memories in order to enjoy a walk in the alleys of the ancient Italian cities, dating back to several hundred years, in addition to the enjoyment of Nozha navicular in aquatic streets that are characterized by Venice Italian surrounded by buildings ancient. Tips before traveling to Italy, there are many things that should see them and be aware of them before traveling to Italy, to get a beautiful and enjoyable trip free of problems and surprises unfortunate, including: Budget famous Italian cities, particularly tourism, including higher costs to live in the expensive prices, preferably before you travel to Italy to prepare accurate budget expenditures there, being careful not to dispel allocated for the trip budget in the first days, so that the budget deficit does not occur. Travel time is witnessing Italy every year an official holiday for all institutions in the last two weeks of August, making public and tourist places crowded with a population Mahlin, which prevents enjoy the ride, so I prefer to visit Italy in early spring or early fall to enjoy the ambience pleasant, and stay away from tourism seasons in the summer. Currency Converter difficult to deal in currencies other than the dollar or the euro in the different regions of Italy, and converted the money changers Italians cause a loss of 18% of its value, which represents their commission, so it's best discharge of local currencies to the euro or the dollar before traveling. Dining etiquette cares Italians dramatically in the ethics of food and followed, preferred access to the most important information about the ethics of food, and their application while eating in public restaurants, hotel restaurant, to avoid being criticized by the locals, taking care to pay gratuity for the waiter even if it included the bill ratio the tip, as is customary in Italy, and thanked the waiter before dismissal. Security abound in Italy cases of theft in public places, it is important to keep the money, or handbag in a safe place, to avoid cases of theft, Kkhtef bag of hand and escape them, will not benefit screams for help with something, you will not meet a distress call, but if the police were close from the crash site, because they are natural situations that are constantly taking place in the streets of major Italian cities.

Travel to the Netherlands

The most important tourist areas in the Netherlands The Netherlands is the most beautiful tourist areas in the world, it is rich in scenic, where includes a wide range of tourist areas that attract tourists to it, it is also famous for abundant magnificent aquatic areas because of the location Netherlands geographical, since almost half of the area is located below sea level. Amsterdam canals: The construction of this famous canals during the Dutch Golden Age, which contains three basic channels, and near many of the sub-channels, which could be up to a length of 100 m, and there are around many archaeological areas. Caribbean Island Dutch: This charming islands of the most beautiful areas in the Netherlands, famous around the world, which attracts tourists because of the stunning natural scenery, and a yearning for tourists to experience the exciting adventures in the charming relaxing places, and these islands is a six islands famous for its friendly with a population who provide assistance to tourists and cooperate with them dramatically. West Frisian Islands are a chain of islands in the North Sea, and contain many of the mud flats, which allows the tourist guides rambling them, tourists can use bicycles to help them move from one place to another across the vast island, Veetmkn tourists enjoy the landscape there. Delft City Hall: This hall is the main hall in the city, this building was built on Tarazasr Renaissance, where the Dutch architect Hendrik de Keyser, the beginning of the design, but it has seen a big change over the centuries. Keukenhof Gardens: The Garden of the largest gardens of flowers in the world, wherein a lot of flowers, they are the most beautiful flowers in the world, have been promoted industry this Dutch flowers around the world to the severity of her beauty, and are growing at least seven million different species of flowers per year, and these flowers tulips and daffodils and many other flowers, this year-round gardens are not open, but at a certain time of the year so as to be open from the last week parks in March to mid-May, so it is considered one of the most important tourist attractions which are essential for tourists to visit and enjoy in the Netherlands. Hoge Veluwe: considered one of the largest and most beautiful natural reserves picturesque in the Netherlands, so has the seat of the many scenic, which is a breeding ground is very large and full of trees large area, and the sand dunes, featuring a huge park crawler Museum Mueller famous, which includes a large collection of paintings, as organizers to provide free bicycles for tourists to move from one place to another in a very large park spaces, which can not be accessed for cars works.

Traveling around the world

Traveling around the world is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical areas, where there are many means of travel such as walking on foot (old time), bicycle, train, boat, aircraft, automotive, Alhawwavl, and return the word to travel to the old French language; it was used for the first time in the fourteenth century, it means it, and there are many people who like to travel to every corner of the earth in order to many of the demands, and motivations. Motives There are many reasons and motives taken by the people a reason to travel and roaming around the world, and the most prominent of these motives are: leisure and entertainment promise two activities in favor of any human being be carried out by, in the presence of a human instinct to pay to own some time to practice these two activities, which offer him recuperate to regain strength, activity. Tourism travels daily thousands of people to many countries as a tour tourist to learn about the monuments, ancient archaeological sites that are still historically considered a witness to the era of the ages, and ancient civilizations, and with the passage of time, tourism has evolved a lot in terms of tourism travel has become an easy process, and contain many services, so thanks to the presence of hotels and resorts with high quality, in addition to developments in infrastructure, technology and transportation, many types of tourism, there are: sustainable tourism aims to manage all resources such as economic needs, and social. Therapeutic: There are people who travel around the world to search for countries that have the best medical treatments in hospitals, and there are some countries that contain therapeutic sites frequented by a lot of people the bathrooms, hot eyes, rare types of clay. Educational: seeking a lot of people visiting countries with a view to learning in universities as containing the best universities and scientific edifices outstanding. Work travels some people who work with major companies or their owners, as they travel in order to supplement the work and tasks of corporate branches of its subsidiaries in the existing countries around the world, and there are some adult films who seek the best films on the world stage production makers, to travel to many countries to complete the work . More countries to visit France is one of the European countries; the country meant more than 83.7 million people a year. United States: There in the continent of North America, as the country meant more than 74.8 million people a year. Spain: the European continent, as the country means more than 65 million people annually. China: in the eastern part of the Asian continent, as the country meant more than 55.6 million people a year.